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Blueprint Reading Course: SFU-Surrey Campus

  • April 09, 2025
  • 8:00 AM - 12:30 PM
  • Simon Fraser University, Surrey Campus Room: SRYC3040 (Surrey Central Building) 13450 102nd Avenue, Surrey, BC
  • 19



Whether new to the mechanical contracting industry or developing yourself for a continued and diverse career in the industry, understanding blueprints is the place to start, and reading blueprints is always worth a refresh!

Blueprint reading is key to managing projects with precision, overseeing subcontractors, drafting contracts and RFI’s, reviewing scope letters, pricing and negotiating change orders, estimating costs, and managing risks.

In this workshop, attendees will learn about:

 The different types of Mechanical Drawings (plan view, elevation view, details, schedules, and isometric)

  • Fundamentals and tips for reading Mechanical Drawings
  • The Mechanical Scope information needed for Architectural, Structural, Electrical, Civil, and Landscape Drawings
  • Mechanical design deliverables and milestones for Design-Build drawings (SD, DD, CD, IFC)

Attendees will participate in an exercise that emphasizes all key concepts discussed.

About Troy Aichele, Aichele & Associates, LLC 

Mechanical Contractor | Instructor | Coach |Consultant

A former member of the MCAA Board of Directors and Chair of MCAA’s Career Development Committee, Troy has spent 30 years in the mechanical contracting industry in the US, with extensive experience in office buildings, high-rise, hospitality, hospitals, casinos, and schools in both remodel and new construction environments. Troy is recognized as an effective team builder as well as a leader in business and sales planning, scheduling, cost-control, design, constructability, value engineering, and labor productivity. Troy expediently problem-solves with personnel ranging from field workers, contractors, engineers, architects, accountants, purchasing, insurance and bonding agents, auditors, and developers on large scale projects that differ in teams, schedule, location, and design.

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